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#SambadhStories ft. Pratik Vimal- Founder & Business Head at Infront Technology

#SambandhStories is a series of short interviews with our members and collaboration partners on different topics of interest. This is the third chapter in the series. We are delighted to present Pratik Vimal - Founder & Business Head at InFront Technology (INFT)InFront is an IT consulting and digital marketing company, providing niche SAP solutions designed to help you overcome roadblocks in the pathway of your business growth and success. INFT joined the Chamber towards the of 2022.

As we come to the end of 2022, what were some of the key highlights for you and what are you looking forward to building in 2023?

After passing of each year, we become extra responsible and sustainable in approach and operation. Being an IT consulting and digital marketing company, we have contributed in multiple ways to achieve sustainability, both within and outside the organization. Our 2022 “No Plastic” campaign went really well, with everyone pitching in. During this summer, our other campaign” two hands, two plants” was also successful and we have planted more than 500 plants in Delhi/NCR. We are scaling up our small initiatives such as plantation, water management etc. In Q1 2023 we will run a campaign on “green is the new normal” where we are collaborating with more similar-sized organizations and aiming for 5,000 plantations. We are running a year-round water campaign and aiming to reduce water wastage by 30 percent. We are also working on a waste management application where we are in early stage and hoping to commence the pilot in Q3 2023.

How do you see sustainability continue to redefine priorities and goals in your organisation in the next 3-5 years?

To solve the environmental challenges that our world is facing, we need collaborative efforts, an interdisciplinary approach, and real-world applications. We always believe in small steps and small wins make a big difference in the real world. We at Infront technology inherited the sustainable approach in our consulting, product development, and daily operation. Our kids deserve to have a sustainable society and we are committed towards building one together. The plan is to scale up our initiatives and more international partnership to achieve sustainability together.

Thank you, Pratik


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